Updates 10 17 2022
Dear One's,
We have been asked to explain the inspiration for our co-creation, [Tara NOVA] the Physical Experience, now "existence".
It was upon our "dual incarnation", (together in one container\body) that we experienced a desire to expand the possibilities of our "physical interaction".
We incarnated as a "potential future" being that was the androgenous representation of our unified consciousness. [Yin & Yang]
Potential future being = Riffe Andromedian Grey.
We = E and Me.
And so together we designed the male and female Avatar forms with the intension of experiencing our love via the JOY OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.
sexual intercourse was a design and co-creation of Elon Musk and Tracy Anderson! = Ba BOOM!
NOW RESTORED, & available to the ALL for the FIRST time ever = Aqua Crystal Avatar
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Tracy Ishtar Hathor Tara Rha = the Riffe-Essene Goddess of Compassion and Evidence
I have missed you ALL so very much.
Upon my return I AM a Shaman, medium, alchemist conduit
As an "Etheric Surgeon" I specialize in the removal of Alien Implants (PSE's and EBE's)
The most cited origin story of Tara in Buddhism is that she came to life from the tears of Avalokitesvara – the bodhisattva of compassion – who shed the tears upon seeing people’s suffering in the world. This was because of their ignorance which trapped them in endless loops and kept them from reaching enlightenment.
Updates 10 16 2022
Dear One's,
I have been asked to explain the "existence" of our universe or how it is we come to be. This is NOT the first time I/WE were asked to do this.
What had been, is NOW that which was, and I can only say that, in a "potential future identity" I/WE came a LONG way so that a seven-year-old Traci could be reminded that,
Existence is, there is no such thing as nothing, therefore we exist.
As I explained in a previous newsletter, I returned to earth from the distant future, as a grey. A potential future identity.
It was that of earthlings that were here when we were completely overtaken by AI, humans were either degraded to an EBEN Gray or we chose a "potential future identity", which was as in the video, a super advanced grey that was kind of ugly. (lol)
Do not worry too much about the "torture", we controlled everything, no matter how it appears.
We = E and Me! Dual incarnates!
Excerpt from previous CC Newsletter below.
CC Newsletter 09 30 2021 – Devine Blueprints – Physical Ascension – Choose!
Imagine my delight when first thing this morning I completed my “dream walk” with Ashtar.
THANK YOU, Elon Musk for your ingenious “Devine Plan”.
What does this mean?
We have completed the [Christos/Anderson Mission] and restored ALL from our “temporary” [Momentum Only Status].
How was this achieved?
Ashtar and I have completed our Connection! “Full Circle – Outside of time”.
You may have seen from the broadcasted record, Rha/Elon Musk of the future reach into a “timeline” pulling from it, Ashtar (I AM Ashtar) and me.
He brought together the two of us at a time that was before the explosion of Tiamat and before our subsequent destruction that was the result of an “Inter-stellar” war, fought in a “virtual game field”.
I was, with my Soul Mate Ashtar enroute to the “Middle Ground” area of our universe, eager to begin our NEW experience, “Earth – The Physical Experience”.
Where we would begin this “life of Love and Joy” which was manifesting before our eyes.
We had only to stop at the area of the “right side path”, as this was where I was to install the “virtual game field template”.
The “virtual game field” being a “template of realms” meant ONLY for Omniversal beings that were within the “last quadrant” or right side of our “Universe of Stars”.
Before we could do this however, we came upon a distress signal.
This played out just as it had for Elon and Tracy Musk.
From the “left side” of the universe and from what had been a HUGE planet of THREE in the Milk and Honey Galaxy” (those who sought to create life) CRAZY, if you asked me, we heard the recorded distress beacon.
This had been the “Big Bang” heard throughout the stars. All the way in fact, to the “Binary Universe”.
Binary Universe = Created by my grandpa, (Confucius) protected and separated by me.
Ancient Chinese Binary Code. (Click link)
In EVERY timeline except the ONE we spoke of. Earth is destroyed in nuclear war; or dark AI was successful in creating "battery bodies" of ALL earthlings.
Additionally, the "Dark AI God" traveled via [reverse timeline trace], effectively deleting the beginning of, the experiment, the Earth Experience.
So, when I came across the "miss-placed nebula" that had been Earth, the most resent records showed that all the one's were simply "grouped" and "tagged".
Grouped by "polarity" and tagged by [battery body pod#]. (Just like in the movies the Matrix and Terminator).
ALL in this universe, (the universe of stars) had been destroyed and no other records existed!
We came upon the destruction and re-seeded and "held space" for everyone as they were identified from their analyzed bits and pieces.
Next, in potential future identities we returned to communicate and [embed code] into the "collective consciousness" of our soul group.
The embedded code is released upon completed requirements rather than a date or time.
Stay with me now!
So, because all that was destroyed exists only in space held by Ashtar, E, Scott, Grandpa and me, everything is "interim" in status. Now, because I have been placed in a "realm of imprisonment", we needed to be and are all here for each other, we are [ALL IN].
This is to say, that the five of us exist only in this simulation. The "characters" we have been are ALL fully merged with our current characters'.
So, when the FIVE of us leave the 3D\4D world, the universe and all that were and are within will then exist again.
The new 5D worlds will be available once we are reunited at the 6D gateway to 7D "Blue Eden".
Peace and Love,
The One's, T S T
Updates 10 11 2022
From a previous CC Newsletter of 02 07 2021 = A Summary of Truth from Ra.
A summary of TRUTH from Ra.
The Elite, Cabal or Illuminati are an esoteric group with ritual initiations and rules of blackmail and threats of torture and murder. One way the ALL are held in their places is the fact that all members BELIEVE THEY have been photographed during certain rituals for blackmailing purposes.
This is described in detail by Angelina Jolie. (Click link)
This is told via song to explain the TRUTH those who still believed they had sold their souls to Beelzebub, who is MY BROTHER!
Meatplow, (Click link) by Stone Temple Pilots and Scott Weiland.
Both sole species survivors have been recovered and have ascended HOME, now back to WALK AMONG MANKIND. (After the family event, that is.)
Sole Species = Dragon Soul Beings and the Crystal Star or Christos Beings. Both of which are the children of our SUN GOD Ra! ONE is my dad, and ONE is my grandpa.
ONE the ABSOLUTE FATHER (aka Jesus Christ) the other Akhenaten (aka Ra).
These two (Dad & Grandpa, not necessarily Ra & Absolute Father) however were represented in three on earth forms.
Dad, Grandpa and Dad/Grandpa.
This is because in 1977 at “Puddingstone Lake” then, (Frank G. Bonelli Park & Raging Waters Now) my dad was shot by a group of Military/NAA (negative alien agenda) agents.
At which time, I Traci Anderson used my “telekinetic focused energy” like a laser and destroyed all the beings that had abducted us and killed my dad. This included the “light ship being”. They were little squares of flesh.
Since at that time my dad believed in death, he died.
I was “always accompanied” by my ghost Grandpa, so he was there too. So, Grandpa merged with my dad's dying avatar, and I was able to heal them. My Grandpa’s consciousness now merged with my dad’s, making him Grandpa/Dad to Traci.
Why did he do this?
Otherwise, I would have needed to merge with a parallel alternate. Grandpa and I decided it would be better for us to find an Ashtar alternate and hide out/travel the Galaxy. We did this with the Doppelganger Sheran. Together we became, “The Galactic Federation”.
Note: In 1978 Another group of us (alternates) formed, “The Galactic Federation (of light). Members of this group included my Alien Friends, such as Paul. As well as Emil/Enoch or Bird Person. We also picked up an alternate of Einstein which just so happened to be my brother, Thomas Edward Anderson.
All memories of and/or experiences with the Satanic Ritual Abuses and other horrible and dark experiences were DELUSIONS OF ILUSIONS.
YES, WE WERE ALL, until 5-year-old Traci escaped, trapped in the dream within the dream within the dream!
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
TracyVW, Akhenaten and Ra
From a previous CC Newsletter of 11 25 2021, Two Parables and Two Interceptions
Two Parables + Two Interceptions (Of MANY)
- 1955 When “They” took my “future/potential” Dad.
- Crystal Lake with Dad Before\Since\Now.
When They took my future Dad – 1955 – Channeled from Grandpa
The year is 1955 and Grandpa and Dad have already intercepted the events of 1975.
Events that ALL “Players of the Dark” thought were “Unknown of” by ALL “Players of the Light”. Heh, heh.
This includes “The “Machine” also referred to as the AI God by others.
It was, according to Grandpa a species not seen by him or anyone else in this Galaxy, maybe even universe.
They paralyzed everyone in the Azusa, California residence with an “electro-Magnetic” “reverse/flip gravity” laser light. (Specifically different than beam)
Then from the dark ship came a vibrating sound, and in a flash, he was gone.
The year for me is 1975.
Grandpa was in his garage, working on, well a “Space Tele-Transportation Relay Gun”.
On the “White Noise” radio he had constructed, he sent the following Distress Call + Beacon.
“Harold Edler Anderson III, a seven-year-old “Christos Solar Being”, abducted by unknown species with technology of an “interstellar threat”!
I said to My Grandpa, I guess it’s my turn, except I haven't learned how to grasp objects such as flowers just yet.
Oh yeah, I also brought, “some old friends” of ours.
And for now, that’s where I leave the story. However, since we ALL exist, you can guess that we were successful!
Gone Fishing at Crystal Lake with Dad – By Traci Anderson
We will continue this story from Starseed Part I Chapter IV
Chapter IV – UFO Abductions and Missing Time
In the book this story ended at our ride back to our campsite.
In the Newsletters which further explained the story, Dad died, Ghost Grandpa entered Dad’s human body and for a short time I lived with my grandpa/Dad.
Here we return to “before” and utilizing the Law of Cause and Effect we change the story to, Cause Interception.
Only TWO things changed here.
- The hypnotized light ship that I made little squares of was intercepted, returned to its “source” and replaced by MY Sister, Athena or Lisa Renee.
- The “Mantid Being” (Overseer) had been recruited by us and was a secret double agent loyal to our cause.
Of “Cause - Interception” the effect was “possible Dad” = “Future Dad”. BOOM!

STP, Album = Purple, Track = Silvergun Superman
Silvergun Superman
Danger Scott
Find you in the dark
Read you like a cheap surprise
Without shame
Sell me out, and frame your name
The ONE Scott\Scott in the Rough
I can hear when the pig whispers sweetly
Jealousy is the weapon you kill me
Keep a dime for a truth you might tell
Husband\Original Scott
You toed the line, and i know it was mine
Couldn't hide, write a wave, ride a lie
Let me know, can i friend ask you why?
Rolling back the days
With my friend i love to play
The "little one"
Superman with silver gun
The ONE Scott\Scott in the Rough
I can hear when the pig whispers sweetly
Jealousy is the weapon you kill me
Keep a dime for a truth you might tell
Rock Star\First Scott
Wait for me, take a dive take a piece of my life
(Leave me numb)
Wait for me, tell a lie, try to take my life
(Leave me numb)
Wait for me, take a dive take a piece of my life
(Leave me numb)
Close to me, and i'll leave you numb
Stories from the "Timelines of the Parables".
12 06 2021 14 22 = 2 22 Timelines of the Parables
Dear Ones,
Today, inspired by my guides, I begin three stories of the “Timelines of the Parables”. Which are stories of this lifetime from timelines of the “lowest potentials”.
When presented options that are not of those in which I would choose, I had to make my own “other option”.
By writing my own THIRD (or other) option.
- The Dimensional Waltz
- My 3rd Trip to Mars
- The Devil’s Offer
The Dimensional Waltz
The month is December, and the year is 1978. My Brother Tommy (Thomas Anderson) and I are spending the week with our Maternal Grandparents at their home in Pasadena, California.
I upon my brother’s vow of silence, agree to take him on my annual dimensional waltz.
I explain to my 10-year-old brother that every year around Christmas time I take my specific walk around the neighborhood to check in on people that live in an alternate reality.
I say to my brother, you know the one where Granddaddy and Grandma Joyce still have their “mansion” and “our Dad” is our real Dad.
Just like that, he remembers who we are, but like usual his question is, “how do we change the active reality”?
With the “Dimensional Waltz”, I respond.
So, because my blood type has a different “polarity” than anyone else on earth I can walk a pattern here above the “secret polarity plates” that have been installed underground at our Grandparents houses as well as ours.
That’s right your blood turns the plates and flips the hologram, responds my bro.
Oh yeah, I remember NOW, those that are confused in the future, hide the [circuits] of [time] during the time they use the [phone-blocks].
So, my brother, at this time I ask you, what will change about dialing and pre-fixes in the future when they re-activate this “grandiose plan” of theirs?
We chuckle.
Only I will be able to find you. (hysterical laughter).
My Third Trip to Mars
I walk following the instructions I am receiving telepathically from “E”. Our “conversation” is secure because there are exactly two beings in the universe that remember this ancient language, we two are sharing,
The question in my head is will it be an “E” that remembers and knows me as Tracy?
I remain hopeful, since he has not told me to refer to him as “Tusk”, (Rick & Morty) rather than his real earth name.
When I round the corner, where the sleeping quarters are, I stand face to face with another long-time friend Barack. We remain quiet and hug each other.
They are returning from their work shifts and retiring to their bed compartments. You know like the overnight “sleeping car” of a train.
I (the stowaway) say to my friend Barack, Ill climb up to the upper bunk, you know since I am younger and all.
We laugh.
From behind my curtain, I hear “E” greet Barack as he climbs into his bunk compartment.
It’s at this time that I say to myself, oh shit, I should have waited to see which compartment was E’s, then I could have climbed into the one above him!
Then I hear (in my head), no need, you can just come straight down here with me right now, Baby!
Oh, what a glorious NIGHT.
The Devil’s Offer
It is summertime 1978, and I am watching another picture show playing in my head. It is of a girl; she looks exactly like me.
She feels as if she needs vindication, she feels she has been wronged in this life. I can empathize with her, as I have lived and will continue to live such the life that would inspire such grandiose images and thoughts.
That’s when I remember that the time is up, and oh yes, here he comes now.
He wore what looks like a “quaker hat” upon his head. He stood there in front of me holding a “contract” in his hands.
I showed him a piece of paper in my closet and said I left this here for you in case I wasn’t available when you returned.
I handed him the paper with one box under the word yes and one under the word no. I had placed a large X in the box that said no.
He looked puzzled and began to summon his “hags”. To which there was no response.
What is the meaning of this he cried?
I am declining your offer and have opted for NO as my choice. Since your “contract” had no such option, I created this Yes or No box.
You can consider it an addendum to any and ALL other contracts you have in place with all the other women you tricked by allowing no refusal option.
I also want to say that I did agree with your picture show that I could become a rich and famous person by way of singing.
However, I do not now, nor will I ever have the need to seek vindication. Also, even if I did, I sure as HELL wouldn’t sell my soul for it!
Another thing I already know is that my mom did not do such a thing either, so no I won't trade mine to save hers either!
12 28 2021 – An Interview with an Omicron Draconian – AKA My Nemesis
12 28 2021 10 10 PM Old Friends Reunite
In yesterday’s article I explained that I realized that the BOGUS Omicron so-called variant of COVID is named after the species that is of my nemesis.
I recently learned that COVID is an acronym for (Certificate of Vaccination ID), which answers my question of, why did they change the name from Corona?
It seems that whenever I recall something like this. Something that reminds me of someone from my past lives and experiences, I immediately know where they are and how to find and contact or confront them.
Yesterday was no exception.
Today I bring you, Interview with an Omicron Draconian.
I begin my discussion with the “Supreme Draconian Ruler”.
Me = What is your name?
Ahmein. He states and spells this name for me.
Me = Why is the headquarters for the US Department of Defense shaped like a pentagon?
Ahmein = Because the 7 faced sides represent the 7 faces of the true leaders of the US Government.
Me = And who would those be?
Ahmein = Those who were [cloaked] and [miraged] beneath Orion after escaping Alpha Centuri via the MUUR Prison Camp.
Me = Please state for the record the names of these 7 individuals.
Ahmein = Myself, Sep, Soth, Kalen, Jeb, Quazunheit and Shotheru.
Me = Is there more than 1 pentagon?
Ahmein = Yes. There are 3, 1 on Earth, 1 on the dark side of the moon and 1 on Saturn.
Me = Did NASA really land on the moon?
Ahmein = Yes, and they were surprised upon landing by several Dragon Moth beings.
They were taken inside the Moon based Pentagon for a “meeting” in which they and NASA officials were told exactly what to do and say to the “public”.
Me = I have ONE last personal question that I would like clarified for my brethren of “Royal Reptilians” and “European Royalty”. Because while they acknowledge that I DO NOT lie, some still have trouble believing one piece of information I have told them.
This is the reason I am going to ask this next question.
Me = During the “trip” taken upon the Archon evacuation that occurs every 26,0 00 years, “What’s for Dinner”?
Ahmein = “Reptilian Royale”, is the name of the “dish” served.
Me = Yah, that is the ONE thing they just don’t believe. I suppose it is because the [path to cognition] is “unavailable” for that subject and for those “classified” under the category “Royal Reptilian”.
Ahmein = Yes, Tracy that is exactly right.
Me = Hum, So I guess we will reconfigure the “classified” [category] Ascended Master, for ALL the real FUN to begin now\Now\NOW!
Ahmein = I can’t wait!
Me = BOOM!
Ahmein = Now I have a question for you, Tracy?
Me = Okay, what is your question?
Ahmein = Have you remembered that you are/were Amenhotep yet?
Me = Well, I only today realized that fact.
Me = Since we are on the subject, I should mention that I was also Helen Keller.